Water Quality (EEMS12)

Water Quality (EEMS12)

EE serves as a graphical user interface for the water quality module of EFDC+.  The original EFDC module was based on HEM3D (Park, et. al. 2000), and EFDC+ provides many enhancements and additions to that module. 

The water quality module in EE provides access to several sub-menu items, including BiotaKinetics, Nutrients, Sediment FluxesRooted Plants & Epiphytesand General Options. The report of the configuration can be viewed with a LMC on each item, and a RMC will open the Water Quality form to modify the settings as shown in Figure 1 below. These menu items are described on the pages following. Note that the implementation of the water quality varies between versions of EFDC+, so the user should be aware of what is contained in the source code for their particular version of EFDC+. What is described below relates to EEMS12. 

Figure 1  Water Quality Module.

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