3D View

EE10 supports the capability to view the model domain in three dimensions with the 3D View window as shown in 3D View#Figure 1.

Much like the 2DH and 2DV windows, the user controls the viewing with the Layer Control form. Each option provides a different interface when RMC on the layer. When viewing the water surface the user may toggle water surface and bottom elevation, as well as adjust the degree of opacity of each for better visualization. The options currently available include water surface, water column, and bottom elevation, (velocities, sediment bed, bed heat, bed shear, and oil spill will be included in a later release).

The Grid frame is available in all options and provides the user with the ability to switch between views of the grid at the water surface, flat grid, grid at bottom, 3D grid, and no grid. The opacity of the grid may also be adjusted by the viewer to suit the visualization effect required. A-frame box may also be toggled on and off to help the viewer interpret the viewing angle.

Figure 1. 3DV View.

To change view angle in the 3D View by holding the RMC then move the mouse, and to move the model domain only by using a combination of keys (Shift + RMC) then move the mouse.

A number of further options are available in the toolbar at the top of the form. Those that differ from 2DV are described in Table 1 below.

  Table 1 Summary of 3D View toolbar.