

Activate the Dye Module

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Dye module in EE can be activated from the EFDC+ Modules, as shown in Dye#Figure 1

Figure 1.  Active Dye Modules.


The dye setting form is shown in Dye#Figure 2. In this form EE allows the user to configure any number of dye classes into the simulation (note that prior to EE10 only one dye class could be configured per model).  The user should enter the number of dye classes in Number of Dye Classes text box.

Under Dye Parameters frame, define the dye class name in the ID column. Select the dye class type by clicking on Type drop-down menu. There are three options:

  1. Conservative Dye: so that the dye will not decay. All values will be initialized as zero for everything, and the user can configure the initial concentration of the dye. 

  2. Non-Conservative Dye: The dye can decay either in first-order or linearly (0th order). EE will set the default value of 0th-order decay to one for all options available. Setting a negative value will lead to growth. For these options the user can define 1st-order decay rates, temperature adjustment co-efficient, reference temperature, settling velocity, and the initial concentration of the dye. 

  3. Age of Water (days):  in which case dye is used as a proxy for age, and the 0th-order decay flag is set to -1 so that EE will calculate age. All other columns will be zero in this option. 

The IC Flag column allows the user to select which class uses the values from the Initial Concentration column or the Spatially Varying Conditions frame. Check the checkbox of the class for using the value in Initial Concentration column or  uncheck for using IC value in Spatially Varying Conditions frame.

Figure 2.  Dye module setting form.

Initial Conditions

The initial conditions for dye can be set spatial varying by clicking Assign button in Dye#Figure 3

Figure 3. Dye Initial Conditions.


Dye visualization in the 2DH View, 2DV View, Time Series, Vertical Profiles, and Longitudinal Profiles are the same as the description in the Salinity Visualization.



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