

Activate the Salinity Module

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Salinity module in EE can be activated from the EFDC+ Modules, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1.  Active Salinity Modules.


After RMC on the Salinity module, the user can access the setting options and initial conditions options.

Figure 2.  Model Control: Salinity Report.

Figure 2 shows the Salinity Parameters tab. This form is used to assign the initial conditions for the salinity parameters and edit the salinity time series. 

Figure 2.  Salinity Parameters form.

Click Edit in Salinity Parameters form (Figure 2) to open Boundary Data Series form for the salinity (Figure 3). The Boundary Data Series is identical with the general form discussed in External Forcing DataThe time series can be assigned to boundary groups and cells later in the Boundary Condition tab.

Figure 3.  Boundary Data Series.

Initial Conditions

The initial conditions for salinity can be set a constant value or spatial varying by clicking Assign button, as shown in Figure 4

The data if missing may be downloaded from online open sources by clicking Download button in Figure 4. It is able to select to apply the downloaded data for the whole model time range or just fill some missing periods.

Figure 4.  Salinity Initial Conditions.