

Activate the Temperature Module

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) for the Temperature module in EE can be activated from the EFDC+ Modules, as shown in Figure 1

Figure 1.  Active Temperature Modules.


After RMC on the Temperature module, the user can access the Settings, Initial Conditions, and Time Series options (Figure 2).

Figure 2.  Temperature Module: RMC Options.

In order to set up the Temperature Module, the users should RMC Settings and then the Temperature Parameters form is displayed with five tabs. Each tab has different parameters that may be adjusted as described in the following sections (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Temperature Parameters.

Initial Conditions

  • Initial Conditions for Water Temperaturethis can be set to a constant value or assigned to vary spatially. To set either of these options select the Assign button. To set a constant value simply enter a value in the Constant field under the Values to Set frame.  The user can set this constant to certain layers in the Layer Options frameIf users want to use spatially varying initial temperature determined by a polygon, they should check the box and press The Apply Cell Properties via Polygons form is shown in Figure 5. If the values to be set vary spatially varying temperature based on XYZ or from vertical profile data, they should select one of these two options in the Values to Set frame. The user should then browse with the Add file button in the Data files frame to add these data sets. Various interpolation options are provided in the Interpolation Options frame, including replacement of existing data,  and using the maximum or minimum values. Selecting the More button provides further interpolation options including order of inverse distance weighting (IDW) interpolation, number of neighboring points, and number of quadrants.

  • Initial Conditions for Bed Temperature: It is able to set constant bed temperature by setting a value in the Uniform Bed Temperature box or check Use Spatially Variable Bed Temp and Thickness checkbox to assign a spatially varying initial temperature, by layer (Figure 6). The options and format of data files to upload to are described in Apply Cell Properties via PolygonIt also can select to apply cell properties for a specific layer or all layers in the model. 

Figure 4. Initial Conditions - Temperature Parameters.

Figure 5. Assign Initial Conditions for Water Temperature.

Figure 6. Assign Initial Conditions for Bed Temperature.

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