Harmonic Analysis

Harmonic Analysis

The Harmonic Analysis feature in the 2DH View menu is a post-processing utility that analyzes the output water level of the model and evaluates harmonic constituents based on this output. Selecting Harmonic Analysis in the 2DH View menu will display the CoTidal Chart form as shown in Figure 1

The constituents from the Available Constituents frame can be added to the Analyzing Constituents frame by the right arrow button ,  or by typing the names in the Search box  and clicking on Search and Add Harmonic Constituents  , or using the three shortcut buttons to quickly add the main 4, 8,  or 11 constituents. Once finished adding constituents to be analyzed, select OK. 


Figure 1. CoTidal Chart form.


Depending on the model's run time, it is possible for the water level output data length to not meet the required standard length and an error as shown in Figure 2 will appear then click OK button to close.


Figure 2. Insufficient data length error.


The user must reopen the form and remove the constituents mentioned in the error form (P1 and K1 in this case) with the left arrow button  then click OK to proceed. Once the analysis is finished, the user will detect a new Mean Level layer have been added in the Layer Control of 2DH View. RMC on this layer to select between displaying the analyzed mean water level, the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the analyzed water level compare to the output of the model, or the analyzed phases and amplitudes of analyzed constituents as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. New layer appear in Layer Control that gives analyzed results.



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