Overlays and Polyline Tools

Overlays and Polyline Tools

Overlays are polygon or polyline files that are frequently used for cell selection in the model domain. EE supports the drawing and modifying of these polylines using the Overlays menu which is shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2. The use of these options is summarized in Table 1.

Figure 1. Overlays in 2DH View main menu.

Figure 2. Overlays in the main toolbar.

Table 1. Sub-features of Overlays Summary.


Draw PolylineThis allows the user to draw a polyline by LMC at each point and RMC to end.

Delete PolylineThis allows the user to delete a polyline by LMC on the line. 

Insert PointThis allows the user to add points to a polyline by LMC on the location where a point should be added. 

Delete PointThis allows the user to remove points to a polyline with LMC on the point. 

Move PointThis allows the user to move a selected point from a polyline with LMC and dragging. 

Show River Miles

This allows the user to show River Kilometer/River Mile (RK/RM) on polyline. Set distance to start labeling and distance between labels.

Generate from SelectionThis option will create a polyline from the cells that have been currently selected with the selection tool. 

Clear PolylinesThis allows the user to delete all the polylines which belongs to the current overlay layer

Open PolylinesThis allows the user to open polylines from a file.

Save PolylinesAfter drawing a new polyline or editing an existing polyline the user can use this function to save out to a file for future use with the Open Polylines function above.