Time Series Contours

Time Series Contours

Time series of a contour profile for a specific vertically and temporally varying parameter is a feature developed from release of EE7.2 to plot the vertical constituent contours over the water depth column and time, somewhat like a "heatmap". They are the profile at an I, J location on a time-depth background.

Take water temperature as an example, the Time Series Contours plot for this parameter is accessed by RMC on a cell of interest from the Temperature layer (Figure 1), which then provides a time series of temperature contour profiles (Figure 2) upon the specification of the plotting time period (Figure 3). This is useful for analyzing the temperature evolution from the bottom to the top of a water column, or examining thermal stratification in case of a lake study. Other transport parameters such as velocity and salinity are also assessable with this feature. For plotting customization, Figure 4 shows the time series contour plot control which can be accessed by RMC on the legend. This allows the user to define the maximum and minimum contours and to set the precision of the values as either float or fixed.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

The user can plot Time Series Contours for a parameter regardless of the configuration of the Layer Settings > Options (by each layer, depth averaged or for all layers) while importing that parameter into 2DH View (Figure 5).

Figure 5

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