Time Series Contours

Time Series Contours

Time series of velocity contour profile is a feature developed from release of EE7.2 to plot the vertical constituent contours over the water depth column, somewhat like a "heatmap". Effectively they are the I,J Component on a time-depth background.

This feature is accessed by RMC from Velocities or Water by Layer or Water by Depth viewing options (See Figure1), and provides a time series of that constituent's contour profiles as shown in Figure 2. This is useful for analyzing the velocity speed of river or tidal discharge from the bottom to the top of the water column. Other transport parameters such as temperature and salinity are also available with this option. Figure 3 shows the time series contour plot control which is accessed by RMC on legend. This allows the user to define the maximum and minimum contours and to set the precision of the values as either floating or fixed.

Figure 1 Time Series Contour Option.

Figure 2 Time Series: Velocity Contour Plot.

Figure 3 Time Series: Velocity Contour Plot Control.

The user can also select to plot a Time Series Contour by each layer, depth averaged or for all layers.

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