Time Series

Time Series

A family of time series curves of parameter currently being displayed can quickly generated by EE. Press the Time Series button on the toolbar and then LMC on each cell to be displayed.  For all parameters except for the water depth derived parameters, each time the user selects a new cell the Cell Selection List is updated with the I, J and K of that cell and the cell location is shown on the model domain as shown in Figure 1. A number is shown next to each cell selected that corresponds to the cell # in the list. There is no limit to the number of time series can be shown at once. 

The user may manually adjust the I, J and K value in the list, as well as turn on or off the cell by setting Use to 1 or 0 respectively. Selecting Clear clears the whole list. The user may save and reload a list of time series location for use at a later time using the Save and Load buttons. 

Selecting Show causes the time series data to be loaded and displayed for the selected parameter and cells in the list.  Time Series Graphing provides a discussion of the use and options for the Time Series utility.

Toggle the Time Series button to reset the series list or change the view option. The previously used list of cells is remembered after the user returns the time series option.

Figure 1  ViewPlan: Cell selection for times series plots.