

Click the Tools menu then select the Conversion to access sub-options as shown in Conversion#Figure 1. The function supports the user to convert units, coordinate, and date. The usage of these functions is described as below:

Figure 1. Conversion Tool.

Unit Conversion

Select the unit conversion, the Unit Conversion form displays as Conversion#Figure 2. It allows converting length, area, volume, etc from a unit to another unit. Firstly the user selects a unit from the drop-down list for Convert (e.g Length), next select from the drop-down list for the From Unit (meter(m)), then enter the value want to convert in the Input Value, next select the target unit for the To Unit (e.g foot (ft)), we can set the number of significant digits by entering a number (e.g 3). Finally, click the Convert button, the output value will be shown in the Output Value.

Figure 2. Unit Conversion.

Coordinate Conversion

The feature allows converting from a coordinate system to another coordinate system for a point. The user should select the input projection and unit for the Convert from Coordinate System frame first then enter the values in the text box. Next, select the target projection and unit for the Convert to Coordinate System frame then click the Convert button to take place as shown in Conversion#Figure 3. The UTM Zone in the Convert to Coordinate System frame must be defined when converting from Longitude, Latitude to UTM zone in meter or foot.

Figure 3. Coordinate Conversion.

Coordinate File Conversion

The feature allows converting a file containing coordinates from a coordinate system to another coordinate system. Firstly selecting the input coordinate system of the file by choosing from the drop-down list in the Convert from Coordinate System, then browsing to the file to be converted in the File Name. In the Convert to Coordinate System frame, the user should select the target coordinate system and UTM zone in case converting the file from degree to meter or foot. Next, browse to the folder where the file saved to, then put a name for the output file. Filnally click the Convert button to start converting as shown in Conversion#Figure 4. When it's done, a message will be popped up as shown in Conversion#Figure 5.


Figure 4. Coordinate File Conversion.

Figure 5. Informing Conversion Successful.

Date Conversion

The feature as shown in Conversion#Figure 6 allows the number of days to be calculated from the time of a Base Date to the time of a specified (Gregorian) calendar date. If the calendar date entered is before the Base Date a negative number of Julian days is given. This tool can also be used to determine a Calendar Date, given any number of days before (<0) or after (>0) a given Base Date. The default Base Date is the Project's Base Date. However, the user can change the Base Date in this utility without impacting the Project's Base Date.

Figure 6. Date Conversion.




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