Date and Coordinate Conversion Tool

Date and Coordinate Conversion Tool

This toolbar button brings up a calendar and coordinate conversion tool. There are three tabs on this tool, Date Conversion, IJ/XY Conversion, and UTM Conversion. The first, shown in Date and Coordinate Conversion Tool#Figure 1 allows the number of days to be calculated from the time of a Base Date to the time of a specified (Gregorian) calendar date. If the calendar date entered is before the Base Date a negative number of Julian days in given. This tool can also be used to determine a Calendar Date, given any number of days before (<0) or after (>0) a given Base Date. The default Base Date is the Project's Base Date. However the user can change the Base Date in this utility without impacting the Project's Base Date.

Figure 1. Julian to Calendar Date conversion.

The UTM Conversion tool is in the second tab is shown in Date and Coordinate Conversion Tool#Figure 2. An L index or IJ pair can be entered into the text box and EE will automatically display the corresponding L, IJ or model grid coordinates.

Figure 2. IJ / XY Conversion.

The user may also select the UTM Conversion tab to convert from longitude and latitude coordinates to UTM or vice versa. The user should enter the coordinates in the text box and ENTER keystroke for this conversion to take place as shown in Date and Coordinate Conversion Tool#Figure 3. The user may also copy this information to the clipboard with the Copy to Clipboard button. A file containing coordinates may also be converted using the Convert File button and browsing to the file to be converted.

Figure 3. UTM Conversion.

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