Taylor Diagram

Taylor Diagram

A Taylor Diagram is a way of graphically summarizing how closely model results match observations. The details of the diagram can be found at Taylor diagrams (Taylor, 2001). This feature is accessed from the Tools menu as described below. 

Suppose that we have a time series plot that shows water depths from two models, model 1 and model 2, compared to observed data as shown in Taylor Diagram#Figure 1. Now we want to evaluate which model has the better performance by using the Taylor Diagram feature from EE.

Figure 1. Data vs. Modeled water depth time series plot.

To use this option, click the Tools menu then select  Taylor Diagram as shown in Taylor Diagram#Figure 2, then the Taylor Statistics form will be displayed as shown in Taylor Diagram#Figure 3. From this form select Data from the drop-down list for Base Series, then click the Calculate button to update the statistics table. Finally, click the OK button to display the plot shown in Taylor Diagram#Figure 4. This diagram uses three red points to represent the two models and the observed data. From this, we can see that the red point representing the simulated results of Model 2 is closer to the observed data than Model 1. Therefore Model 2 demonstrates better performance.

Figure 2. Taylor Diagram option.

Figure 3. Taylor Statistics form.

Figure 4. Taylor Diagram.

Export the Taylor statistics to a file (*.taylor) by clicking on the Export Taylor statistics button on the top toolbar as shown in Taylor Diagram#Figure 5. This file can be imported later by clicking the Import Taylor statistics as shown in Taylor Diagram#Figure 6. The user should browse to the file (*.taylor) then click the Open button.

The Taylor diagram can be exported to an image file (*.png or *.jpg) using the button shown in Taylor Diagram#Figure 7. Line style and fonts for elements of the Taylor diagram may also be adjusted using the button shown in Taylor Diagram#Figure 8.

Figure 5. Export Taylor statistics.

Figure 6. Import Taylor statistics.

Figure 7. Export Taylor Diagram.

Figure 8. Taylor Diagram Settings.


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