Edit Grid with Grid+

Edit Grid with Grid+

Grid+ is integrated with EFDC+ Explorer. This option allows us to modify the model grid of the current model while opening it. Notice that the Grid+ version launched from EE has features that are limited compared to the stand-alone Grid+ version in EEMS. It does not allow changing the number of grid cells. It is used to improve grid orthogonalization or change grid nodes.

To launch the Grid+ while opening a model in EE, click the Tools menu to extend options, select Edit Grid with Grid+ option, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Lauch Grid+ from EE.

After selecting Edit Grid with Grid+, the grid of the current model will be displayed in Grid+, as shown in Figure 2. We can select the grid layer in the layer control panel and start modifying it, such as moving grid nodes or orthogonalizing the grid. Once we want to update the EFDC model, go to the File menu, then select either Update EFDC Model or Update EFDC Model and Return options, as shown in Figure 3.

Update EFDC Model: Save the EFDC model with what we changed to the grid and keep Grid+.

Update EFDC Model and Return: Save the EFDC model with what we changed to the grid, but exit Grid+. A confirmative message will pop up to confirm that we want to exit Grid+, as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 2. Lauch Grid+ from EE.

Figure 3. Update EFDC Model.

Figure 4. Confirmative message.