Create New Model
After opening EE10, the user has a number of different ways to create a new model, three approaches are:
Click the Model button on the main menu toolbar, then select New Model (see Create New Model#Figure 1).
Click the New Model button directly on the main menu toolbar (see Create New Model#Figure 2).
From the keyboard, press Ctrl+N.
Figure 1. Create a new model (1).
After one of these three ways is used to create a new model, the Grid Tool form appears. From this form, the user has four options for assigning grids:
Import Grids from Files: this option allows the user to import an existing grid file; the grid can be one of a number of formats including CVLGrid or RGFGrid. If the user has multiple sub-grids for a waterbody then the Multiple grid files check box may be selected. Browse to the grid file and click OK button to finish. (see Create New Model#Figure 3 and Create New Model#Figure 4).
Generate Uniform Grid: this option allows the user to generate a Cartesian grid. The user can define grid cell size and the number of cells (see Create New Model#Figure 5).
Generate Radial Grid: this option allows the user to generate radial grid ( see Create New Model#Figure 6).
Generate Telescoping Grid: this option allows the user to generate a telescoping grid ( see Create New Model#Figure 7).
Details of how to use these options are provided in the Model Grid section.