Model Generation Process

Model Generation Process

The model generation process is:

  1. Select the Generate New Model button from the main form of EFDC_Explorer. EFDC_Explorer will automatically set many of the standard coefficients and parameters. The user can change any of these later in the model generation process. (In versions of EE prior to EE7.3 an EFDC.INP template file was required. A simple EFDC.INP was supplied in the original EFDC_Explorer setup package (C:\EE_EFDC). In EE7.3 and later versions it is no longer required to use a template EFDC.INP).

  2. Bathymetry is required for the model generation process, but not required for the gridding process. Because the grid generation process is often iterative, it is recommended to skip specifying the Topographic Information File and, instead, use the flat bottom option in the Elevation Options frame.

  3. Select the file containing polygons to trim the model cells (optional). The first polygon in the file should be the main model domain outline. Subsequent polygons in the file are interpreted as cutouts/islands.

  4. Set the number of layers.

  5. Set the initial water surface elevation. Should be above the flat bottom elevation

  6. Set the default bottom roughness height.

  7. Select the gridding approach and import or generate a grid.

  8. At this point the Generate button should be enabled. If it is still grayed out then there is still an essential piece of information that has not been set. The required inputs vary depending on the gridding option selected. Press the Generate button to create a new EFDC model using the options specified. Even though a project directory is requested, this process does not write the files, only creates the model in memory.

  9. When the model generation process is complete, EFDC_Explorer pops up a message informing the user as to how many active cells were created and what the maximum I and J were.

  10. The last pop up displayed informs the user to review the model and make sure the I and J orientations are reasonable. For some convoluted grids, the L=2 lower left cell may not be correctly assigned. After reviewing the grid in ViewPlan and determining that the IJ mapping needs to be adjusted, the user can use the IJ mapping tools from the main EFDC_Explorer form to flip either I or J and/or transpose the I and J mapping.

  11. Review the generated grid in ViewPlan. Load background images and/or polyline overlays to visually check the grid. View and check grid orthogonality.

  12. If the grid is acceptable, then apply the bathymetry to this new grid using the Bottom Elevations button on the Initial conditions tab on the main EFDC_Explorer form.

  13. Review the model grid with bathymetry added to make sure important bathymetric features are properly represented. Check the reasonableness of the CFL time step.

  14. Repeat these steps as necessary to obtain the proper balance of grid resolution, computational speed and other project specific factors.


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