General EFDC+ Model Development Steps
It is imperative that an EFDC+ model be built step by step, with each step building on the previous step and increasing in complexity. For example, the HEM3D water quality sub-model can only be developed after the EFDC hydrodynamics has been calibrated. The basic development steps are provided below.
1. Gather Existing and/or New Data
Domain GIS/mapping coverages for reference and support grid development
Highest available data density
Upstream river(s)
Ungauged tributaries
Point and non-point sources
Rainfall (optional)
Evaporation (optional)
Water levels
Levels should be tied to a vertical datum, if possible
Wind data
Wind speed
Wind direction
Best if these data are 15-minute or shorter duration averaged data from 1 to 10 second sampled anemometers.
Atmospheric data (for temperature modeling)
Relative humidity
Solar radiation
Cloud cover
Best if these data are hourly or of a shorter duration
Water column data for all constituents of interest
For sediment transport also need settling speeds and flocculation
Vertical concentration gradients, if exist
Sediment bed characteristics (horizontal and vertical)
Grain-size distributions
Sediment erodibility characteristics
Sediment thickness and hard bottom (e.g. rock)
Organic carbon characteristics
Kinetic rates and/or transformation process rates
Dissolved/sorbed partitioning characteristics
2. Review Data
Convert all location/elevation data to common horizontal and vertical datums
Convert all units to common/consistent units
Map and chart data to evaluate spatial and temporal patterns
Validate data to the appropriate quality levels
Check for outliers/invalid data
3. Develop a Conceptual Model
Integrating all the driving forces and characteristics of the system, develop a cohesive conceptual interpretation of how the system behaves relative to fluxes and transformations for the constituents of interest.
4. Select Mathematical Model
Using the data review and the conceptual model, select the appropriate mathematical tool(s)
EEMS is assumed for the purposes here
5. Build Grid
Use Grid+ to build a curvilinear orthogonal grid, or
Use Grid+ or EE to create a Cartesian grid, or
Use Grid+ or EE to import a third-party developed grid:
Generic 4-corner format
Add bathymetry to the model
6. Flow/Water Surface Elevation Model
Usually, this step can be done using a 1-layer model for quick turnaround
Apply Initial conditions
Build flow/open Boundary conditions
Ensure water balance
Calibrate flow rates/water surface elevations
7. Full Hydrodynamics (HYD)
Add vertical layers (if needed) using EE’s layer feature
Build Initial conditions for salinity, temperature
Build boundary conditions for salinity, temperature and winds (WSER) and atmospheric data (ASER – required for temperature modeling)
Calibrate to velocity patterns and water column data for salinity and temperature. Time series at various stations and vertical profiles (if you need it and have the data).
8. Sediment Transport (SED/SND)
Add the level of detail required for your application. WQ models usually need some TSS for light extinction analysis, so it is best to include at least a cohesive and/or a silt.
Build Initial conditions
Build boundary condition time series
Calibrate water column concentrations
Calibrate to net sedimentation rates and/or scour and deposition patterns, if available
9. Chemical Fate and Transport (TOX)
Only start toxics modeling once a calibrated sediment transport model is available
Build horizontal and vertical initial bed concentrations
Initialize water column concentrations
Configure sediment-toxics interactions
Configure organic carbon-toxics interactions
Set initial bed particle and porewater diffusion and mixing rates
Determine groundwater fluxes, if applicable
Calibrate toxics to bed concentrations and water column concentration
10. Water Quality (WQ)
Water quality can only be added to the model once the hydrodynamics and temperature is suitability calibrated. Due to the WQ/temperature interaction, temperature calibration will likely need to be adjusted.
Decide if you are going to use the full sediment diagenesis sub-model or a simple defined nutrient/DO flux series or constant
Decide the level of complexity of the WQ submodel
Decide how many algal compartments are needed.
Build Initial conditions
Build boundary conditions
Calibrate WQ Model
11. Conduct the Analysis with/or Based on the Final Model