Checklist for Building a Hydrodynamic Model
When building a model in EEMS, we recommend you use this checklist to help make sure you have covered the important elements:
A1. A clear statement of study objectives and constraints, including scheduling
A2. Area of interest and list of questions/problems to be addressed by modeling defined
A3. Site characteristics, data, and important processes identified
A4. The appropriate model was chosen for items A1 to A3
- Correct equations solved (e.g., 1D/2D/3D, mild slope, hydrostatic assumption)
- Important processes included (e.g., long/short waves, rising/plunging flow, stratification/lateral variation)
- Computational requirements defined
A5. Data for boundary conditions and validation needs to be defined and available/acquired
A6. Resources sufficient (i.e., money, time, staff expertise, computer resources, data for boundaries and validation)
A7. Validation criteria established consistent with A1-A6
A8. A1-A7 documented and client concurrence obtained
A9. Tier 1 and Tier 2 Analyses performed
A10. A1-A9 documented and checked by the reviewer(s)
Model Setup
B1. Grid sufficiency
- Boundary locations tested for effect on the area of interest and test conditions
- Resolution tested by grid refinement test
- Bathymetry and features visually checked for accuracy
B2. Boundary conditions established appropriate to A1 – A3
B3. Initial conditions and spin-up is shown to be adequate to eliminate transients
B4. B1-B3 documented and checked by the separate reviewer(s)
Model Validation
C1. Adjustable parameters set within reasonable ranges of known uncertainty
C2. Model-Prototype agreement consistent with A1-A3 and A7
C3. C1-C2 documented with client concurrence and checked by reviewers(s)
Model Tests
D1. Test conditions consistent with A1-A3
D2. Sensitivity to parameters and plans tested
D3. Results consistent with expectations and other studies and within reasonable ranges
D4. D1-D3 documented with client concurrence and checked by the reviewer(s)
E1. Items A-D documented inconsistent understandable fashion
E2. Results expressed with appropriate confidence limits and caveats
E3. Interpretation and conclusions are consistent with A1-A3 and E2
E4. Client and reviewer(s) feedback solicited and used to refine report(s)