Compiling EFDC+
This guide demonstrates how to build an EFDC+ executable file to run the EFDC model. The required tools are all freely available and comprise the Visual Studio Community version and the Intel OneAPI compiler for Fortran. Finally, the EFDC+ code provided by DSI is downloaded and compiled.
1. Download and Install Microsoft Visual Studio Community
To view and edit the code, MS Visual Studio is required. Download the Microsoft Visual Studio Community.
Click the Download Visual Studio button as shown in Figure 1. The form to save the setup file will appear as shown in Figure 2; click the Save File button. Once it is downloaded, check your local drive, then double-click on the VisualStudioSetup.exe file. The process will continue from Figure 3 to Figure 4. The Desktop Development with C++ option must be checked as shown in Figure 5, then click the Install button.
Figure 1. Download Visual Studio Community.
Figure 2. Save out Visual Studio Setup file.
Figure 3. Visual Studio Installer (1).
Figure 4. Visual Studio Installer (2).
Figure 5. Select Desktop Development with C++ option.
Once the Intel oneAPI Toolkit is downloaded, install the software.
2. Install Intel OneAPI
The Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit (Base Kit) is a core set of tools and libraries for developing high-performance, data-centric applications across diverse architectures.
In order to compile the code, the Intel OneAPI Base toolkit is required and available from this link:
When the page opens, select the applicable Operating System and installer type. In this case, select the OS for Windows and Offline for the installer, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6. Select OS and Installer for Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit.
The Offline Installer will be displayed as shown in Figure 7; click the Download button. Select Continue as a Guest to download as shown in Figure 8. The form to download will then be displayed as shown in Figure 9; click the Save File button to start downloading.
Figure 7. Select Download (Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit).
Figure 8. Continue as a Guest to download
Figure 9. Save the oneAPI Base Toolkit download file.
3. Download Intel OneAPI HPC Toolkit
This toolkit is an add-on to the Intel® oneAPI Base Toolkit. It contains the Intel® Fortran Compiler, Intel® Fortran Compiler Classic, and Intel® MPI Library. These are necessary for MPI library of EFDC+ MPI.
You now need to access the Intel website again to download the Intel OneAPI HPC Toolkit from the link below.
When the site opens, again select OS (e.g., Windows) and Installer Type (e.g., Offline), as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 10. Select OS and Installer for Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit.
Figure 11. Select Download (Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit)
Figure 12. Continue as a Guest to download.
Figure 13. Save the oneAPI HPC Toolkit download file.
Once the Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit is downloaded will install it.
4. Download EFDC+ code from the DSI Github
The latest EFDC+ code is available from the DSI shared code file at this the link:
Click the Code button then the Download ZIP button as shown in Figure 14 and Figure 15. Once the Zip file is downloaded to your local drive, unzip the file to see the file “EFDC+_MPI_10.4.sln” in the folder.
Figure 14. Download EFDC+ code (1).
Figure 15. Download EFDC+ code (2).
Figure 16. Unzip the download file.
5. Compile and Run the EFDC+ Code
Double-click on the file EFDC+_MPI_10.4.sln, then the Visual Studio Community will open; Right-mouse Click (RMC) on Solution and select Rebuild as shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17. Build EFDC+ executable file.
This process may take some time, with the screen as shown in Figure 18. Once it finishes, the EFDC+ executable file is generated and be located in the pre-defined directory. For example E:\EFDC\EFDC\64DP_R_MPI\EFDC+_MPI_10.4.0_210721DP.exe
Figure 18. Building the EFDC+ executable file.
To use the EFDC+ executable file to run the EFDC model, copy the EFDC+ executable file (e.g EFDC+_MPI_10.4.0_210721DP.exe) into the installation folder (e.g C:\Program Files\DSI\EEMS10.4). Open the EFDC+ Explorer, load an EFDC model, click the Run EFDC button from the toolbar, then browse to the new EFDC+ executable file (e.g EFDC+_MPI_10.4.0_210721DP.exe ) as shown in Figure 19.
Figure 19. Running an EFDC Model with EFDC+ executable.