Bottom Elev

Bottom Elev

The Viewing Opt | Bottom Elev displays a plan view of the model bathymetry. The scales can be changed in the Display Option form to show resolution, if desired.
An option to shift the cell centroids is available by pressing the "Move Centroids". The Volume Evaluation button displays a XY plot of the volume-area relationship and the area-elevation relationship.
Use the Transparent function to view an underlying georeferenced bitmap. If the Show Grid option is not checked the grid outlines will be colored but the cells will not be filled.

Bathymetry Comparison

If a Comparison model has been loaded (see Load Comparison Model) alt-M allows the user to compare the bathymetry between two models, the current model and the Comparison model. Alt-M toggles the display of Model Comparison allowing the bathymetry differences (Base - Compare) to be displayed instead of elevations. This feature is also available for other Viewing Options (see Second Layer). The volume differences can be computed with the Alt-V keystroke. The total cut/fill/net volumes will be displayed and then placed onto the clipboard.

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