Pre-Processor Form Operations

Pre-Processor Form Operations

In the pre-processor section of the main form, EFDC_Explorer provides a simple user interface to most of the commonly used options in EFDC that are stored in EFDC.INP. Some parameters and settings are adjustable directly from this form while some others, usually some specific subgroup, are available from buttons located on the main form.

Many of the input boxes have tips/values that pop up as the user holds the mouse pointer over the input box. In addition, many of the input boxes have internal range checks, but as they are so broad as to cover a large range of applications they should not be relied upon in any way to validate user inputs. For further user help, F1 will display the EE User Manual linked to the currently displayed form. F2 will generally display the short-cut keys associated with the particular function being viewed at that time.

The ViewPlan function also provides some pre-processing features and functions that will be described later in Viewplan section.