General Post-Processing Functions
The basic use of EFDC+ Explorer's ViewPlan post-processing function is 2D maps of various parameters at user specified times. The viewing options have many variations depending on the context. For example, for water column information the user may specify depth averaged results or review the results for each layer of the water column. Another example is for the sediment bed, for which the user may view the results as either mass weighted depth averaged results (e.g. d50's), total mass summed over all the layers, or layer by layer.
The desired time is scrolled to using the Timing scroll bar, using the PgUp/PgDn keystroke combinations or Ctrl-G to jump directly to a specific date. The output settings are set using the Display Options form accessible from either the toolbar or RMC on the legend, timing frame or horizontal scale.
Some of the general features of the post-processing will be discussed in the following subsections.