

The Toxics option is enabled only if toxics are being simulated. When selected, the labels in the Layer Settings frame changes. Total Sediments becomes Total Toxics and Sediment Class becomes Toxic Class. Their function is the same but they apply to the toxic classes rather than sediment classes. In addition the user can select the state of the toxics, either:

Total is total toxic concentration for the class option selected.

Tox (Diss) is dissolved phase concentrations for the class option selected.

Tox (DOC) is toxic concentration of the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) complexed phase for the class option selected.

Tox (POC) is toxic concentration of the particulate organic carbon (POC) adsorbed phase for the class option selected.

POC is the POC concentrations assigned to the sediments.

DOC is the DOC concentrations assigned to the sediments.

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