Model Metrics

Model Metrics

The options available to the user in Model Metrics drop down menu are:

CFL Time Step           Displays the Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL) time step computed for each cell. This is a good guide to the appropriate time step, especially if using the two time level solution. Generally the lower range of the CFL number is the recommended model time step. So for the model shown in Figure 1, a time step of 1.5 seconds is recommended.

Courant #                   Displays the Courant numbers for the model based on the time step settings of the model. If adaptive time stepping is specified, the time step used for the initial display of the Courant numbers will be 0 seconds. A Courant Calculator is available by setting the focus to the plot and then pressing "T". This allows the user to specify a new time step to be used for the Courant numbers. The Courant number should be less than one for the model time step entered.

Orthogonal Deviation  Displays the orthogonal deviation for the model grid. The computations require four cells, therefore, the top and right edge cells are skipped. The average of the absolute deviation is reported in the legend.

Celerity                       Displays the computed celerity for each cell.

Figure 1  Model Metrics: CFL Time step


Velocities must be loaded for the following options to be available:

Froude #                       Displays the computed Froude Number for each cell.

Richardson #                 Displays the computed Richardson Number for each cell.

Densimetric Froude #    Displays the computed Densimetric Froude Number for each cell.

Reynolds #                    Displays the computed Reynolds Number for each cell at the selected time step for each layer. The kinematic viscosity is used for the computations of the Reynolds number.

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