Load Comparison Model
The Load Comparison Model button allows the user to load a comparison model into EFDC_Explorer for plotting a range of comparisons between the two models. Figure 1 shows the model comparison options form. Currently, this option is functional for comparing bottom elevations, water levels, fixed parameters, velocities, sediment bed, water column and inundation extents. The results of any model comparisons are available in the appropriate viewing option of ViewPlan by pressing alt-M as shown in Figure 2.
The currently loaded model is the Base model. Use the browse to the project directory and then select the Compare model desired.
To only compare model bathymetry between models the current project's output does not need to be loaded. However, to compare the water depths and/or velocity fields between two models the output data for the current project must be loaded. If the current project's data are loaded, EFDC_Explorer allows the user to load the water depths and velocities from the Compare model.
The Time Matching Option frame provides a comparison of the snapshot frequency output between the two models. The Time Tolerance input box allows for some slight differences in model output times when comparing time snapshots during the simulation.
Once all the options are set, the user should press the Load Compare button. Until this button has been pressed, no input or output data for the Compare model is loaded.
The Load 3rd Model button is only used to compare water depths and elevations in ViewPlan. The viewing option of Water Depths/Areal Extents allows the user to overlay the areal extents and depths (as a function of duration and depths) for up to three scenarios. If using this option, the base model should have the largest extents with the second and/or third model having the smallest extents. A typical example would be to display the areal extents of a 100 year flood (the Base model), a 50 year flood (Compare Model) and a 10 year flood (3rd WD model).
When a user has a comparison model loaded it is also possible to view the time series extraction comparison between models. After selecting Alt-M in ViewPlan to compare the model results as shown in Figure 2, extract the time series Base – Compare models as shown in Figure 3.