WASP Linkage

WASP Linkage

The Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) is a platform that helps users interpret and predict water quality responses to natural phenomena. From EEMS10.4, the WASP Linkage has been developed, which allows the creation of a hydrodynamic linkage file (*.HYD) from EFDC models. The hydrodynamic linkage file contains transport information such as segments volume, water depth, and velocity, and is used as an input file to the WASP water quality model.

From the Model Control form, go to the Timing/Linkage tab, as shown in Figure 1. RMC on Linkages sub-tab, the EFDC Model Linkages form will be displayed as shown in Figure 2. Go to the WASP Linkage tab, select the WASP 7/8 radial button under Linkage to Water Quality Models frame. Type in a value, in this case 10, for Number of Minutes to Average per Linkage Step box to set the output frequency of the linkage file. The WASP linkage output will be saved per 10 minutes. Click OK button to save the setting.

Detailed guidance on how to create the linkage file and run WASP is provided here. 

Figure 1. Access Linkage from Timing / Linkage.

Figure 2. WASP Linkage Output Setting.