EFDC Project Management

EFDC Project Management

EFDC uses fixed file names for its input files; therefore each run/project should be stored in separate directories. EFDC_Explorer operates in the same manner. EFDC_Explorer reads and writes the files with the standard fixed file names to/from the specified subdirectory (called a "project" by EFDC_Explorer). The EFDC Project Management#Figure 1 shows the main file management toolbar and Browse buttons to access the opening and/or saving of a project. The EFDC Project Management#Table 1 provides a quick summary of each of the toolbar functions.

Figure 1. Project Open (Main Form).

Helpful Tip

EFDC projects can be opened by dragging and dropping either the EFDC.INP file or the folder which contains the project on to either the Directory field or the Title field.

A project may also be opened by double clicking on the EFDC.EE file or any of the other *.EE extension files.  

Table 1. Main toolbar summary of functions.

Exit EFDC_Explorer. Does not save project, only Pre-/Post-processor settings.

Generate an EFDC model using a template.

Open/Read an EFDC model.

Save current EFDC model into the same or new directory.

EFDC_Explorer configuration options, including where the EFDC executable files are located, one for the EPA version and one for the EFDCPlusI version.

Convert between Julian days and Gregorian calendar dates; convert coordinate between Lat, Long and UTM Northing, Easting.

Toolbox of miscellaneous features and utilities.

Various tools and utilities for analyzing and adjusting the grid.

View/Edit main EFDC.INP file for the current project.

Run EFDC using the current project. Does not save the project first.

Get runtime and other timing information for a completed model run.

ViewPlan. Display the model in plan view. This is used for some pre-processing tasks (e.g. setting boundary conditions and modifying cell properties) and post-processing results. The dropdown menu allows the user to control whether the model results should be loaded and displayed or only initial conditions.

ViewSlice. Display the model profile view along an I or J or a user defined section. This is used for post-processing results. The dropdown menu allows the user to control whether the model results should be loaded and displayed or only initial conditions.

View3D: Display the model with 3D view. Viewing options include cut-aways (blanking), animations and light effects.

Access Help files (User Manual); License Management


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