Loading a Model

Loading a Model

Step-by-step guide

  1. To open an existing project click on either on the toolbar folder button or the browse button highlighted. They accomplish identical tasks.

  2. Figure 1. 
  3. The Select Directory: Open Operation form is then displayed.

    Figure 2. 

    The directory displayed will be the last project directory opened.  The last 20 projects are available in the dropdown list located near the bottom of the form.  The panel on the right shows the files contained in the selected directory.  For Open operations, the EFDC.INP file must exist in the directory.

    An option to open a previously EFDC+ Explorer saved archive file is given.  These files all have an extension of “EFDC”, for example “CedarRiver.efdc”.  When you select the Open Archive check box, the right panel only shows the available archive files in the selected directory.

    Other Options:

Drag & Drop

If EE is already loaded, the user can load a new EFDC project using Windows Explorer.  The user can browse to the project folder (or parent folder) and the click on one of the following and then drag the item to the yellow Directory box or the Title box.  EE accepts:

  • EFDC project folder
  • EFDC.EE file
  • EFDC.INP file

Double Click

During EE installation, the file extension “EE” was associated with the EFDC+ Explorer application.  Therefore, the user can start a new instance of EFDC+ Explorer by double clicking on any file with the EE extension.  EFDC+ Explorer will start and then load the EFDC project contained in the same folder as the EE file double clicked on.

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