ViewPlan Viewer

ViewPlan Viewer

The ViewPlan button of the main toolbar provides access to the utility for viewing two dimensional (2D) plan views of the model. This function is used for pre-processing visualization and editing of the grid, initial conditions and boundary conditions. Once the model has been run and output files generated. ViewPlan can be used to view 2D plots, extract model cell time series and vertical profiles and other post-processing visualizations and analyses.

ViewPlan has many options and features for displaying background maps (geo-referenced bitmaps), line features (e.g. shorelines), ESRI© .SHP files, labels, measured data, model-data residuals and many more. An example plot is shown in Figure 1 of Perdido Bay's bathymetry with the 250K scale USGS topo map in the background, a timing frame showing the Gulf of Mexico tide level at the date/time indicated in legend and the location/ID of the defined calibration stations.

Figure 1. Example of ViewPlan output for the Perdido Bay water quality model.

ViewPlan provides the user with a dropdown menu comprising the following options:
View Initial Conditions: This option may be used when the user is setting up the model or wants to view only the IC's, even if model output has already been loaded.

View Model Results:This option is used after the model has been run and the user wishes to analyze the model results. This is the default action if the user clicks on the ViewPlan button and not the dropdown arrow.

View Model Results (Re-scan Output): This option should be used if the user has paused an EFDC model run, viewed the results then resumed the model run. EE will only have the data from the originally paused run loaded. To later view the complete model run results, the user would then use this option to reload the model results.

Drag & drop files such as ArcView polylines or ASCII data posting files to provide quick annotations on the model.

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