EFDC+ Explorer Settings
This toolbar button allows the user to specify some installation specific parameters, like the location of the EFDC executable to use, as well as project specific settings like default precisions and some other miscellaneous settings. EFDC+ Explorer Settings#Figure 1 shows the settings form.
The settings for EFDC+ Explorer are saved in the EFDC+ Explorer.INI file that is located in the same directory as the EFDC+ Explorer executable. This is an editable ASCII file, though care should be exercised to not corrupt the file. The file structure follows the Windows standard INI file using groups and tags.
The user must first specify the path to the EFDC executables before EE can be used to launch an EFDC run using the Run button. The Browse button is used to browse to the corresponding EFDC executable. If the EFDC executable selected does not exist, EE will change the associated path background to light red.
The Default Precision for Write Operation settings are for setting the output/display precisions for the indicated data types. The default settings shown are appropriate for most applications. However, for special cases (e.g. flume studies or other types of research applications) the user will likely have to make adjustments to the defaults. The settings are stored in the project specific EFDC.EE file.
Other miscellaneous settings include: Secchi Conversion Factor (to convert light extinction coefficients to a Secchi Depth in meters); the Minimum Inorganic Sediment Thickness allowable; Carbon/Dry Weight Ratio (ratio of mg of carbon to mg of dry weight to convert POC and Algae to a solids weight); and the Maximum Number of Cells to Auto Refresh.
The company/organization's name and address as well as the default fonts can be set by selected the Edit button in the Company Data & Defaults frame.
Figure 1. EFDC+ Explorer settings form.