Time Series Comparisons
Model-Data Configuration
The Time Series Comparisons frame contains the buttons that configure (Define/Edit) and plot (Plot) a series of EFDC cells and measured time series data. Once configured, the linkages between the EFDC cells and the data is automatically available and the user only needs to press the Plot button to compare model to data for each run. Figure 1 displays the form used to link cells to data and other parameters. Right mouse click on the cells to obtain additional input options or guides.
If a link is incorrectly configured and the file cannot be found at that path name it will appear with a red highlight.
Figure 1 Time series calibration EFDC cell and data linkage definitions.
When first starting with the model-data linkage process, the Number of Time Series field will be "0". To initially define or add/remove linkages, enter the number of desired linkages. When the user presses "Enter" the data grid will be displayed with the number of lines required. The number of model-data linkages can be changed at any time. However, the definitions above the maximum number of linkages will be deleted.
The Get I & J button allows the user to input X and Y values in the LXLY units to determine the corresponding values of I & J. The Line Styles frame provides a way to define (i.e. the Define MMA and Define Layer) and then apply (via the Apply Defaults) common formatting for all currently defined model-data linkages.
For each model-data pair, the user must specify the information listed in each column:
X & Y: Enter the X and Y in meters of the location of the data station. The coordinate system must be the same as that used for the model. Using these coordinates the matching model cell is determined.
K: This is the layer specification option. There are three options as shown. The Min-Avg-Max (MMA) option generates three model time series for the cell, based on the water column layer results.
ID: The ID field is used for labeling the plots and statistics reports.
Pathname: This field contains the full path to the data file, in DAT or WQ formats, for the specific parameter, location and layer option. The user can enter a "None" or "Skip" in this field to only display a model time series. Rows that are shown in pink indicate pathnames that are not valid (e.g. files were deleted by the user after initial setup) and need to be redefined.
Param: Enter the parameter code that will be extracted from the model for comparison to the data contained in the corresponding data file. The list of currently available parameters is shown in Figure 6 5. RMC'ing on this field (after it has focus) pops up the browse function to allow the user to select or change the file.
Group: This is the plot number. If each line uses a unique Group # then each model-data pair will be displayed on a separate plot. If two of more model-data lines use the same Group # they will be displayed on the same plot.
Use: This is a flag to optionally turn on or off the plots and statistics computation for each model-data pair.
The Timing Parameter for Matching Models to Measured Data is used to set the time tolerance in minutes, such that there is a time match when the MODEL_TIME is within the DATA_TIME +/- the tolerance. The Julian date offset is used when Julian dates have been used in the data files rather than Gregorian dates. This offset allows the user to add this number of whole days to the Julian dates
Figure 2 Available calibration parameter codes.
Time Series Plots
The Plots function allows the user to view on screen or export the plots that are currently defined and enabled (i.e. Use flag = 1). The Plots function loads the EFDC model linkage files (e.g. EE*.out), reads the observed data files and then scans the model linkage files to build the model-data plots. The user can press ESC during the model output loading process to abort the loading and plotting. When the data has been loaded the time series plotting utility is displayed. This is the same utility used for all other time series and X-Y plots. However, when viewing the time series calibration plots three (3) additional function are available on the toolbar. The following graphic shows the time series plotting toolbar with the three calibration specific functions outlined in red.
These buttons all close the current calibration plot and, in order of the buttons shown, move to the previous plot, move to the next calibration plot or exit the time series calibration viewer. When moving from one plot to the next, when the last plot has been viewed the user is requested to either continue viewing the plots (starting over at plot 1) or exit the viewer.
Figure 3 and Figure 4 provide example plots produced by the time series calibration tool. Figure 3 is for a water surface elevation comparison (layer option K=0). Figure 4 shows a MMA time series plot (the "average" series is turned off for this example) of dissolved oxygen (layer option = -1).
Figure 3 Example model-data time series comparison for water levels.
Figure 4 Example model-data time series comparison for dissolved oxygen.
Low and High Pass Filter
The Model Calibration | Time Series Comparisons tool has also been updated to allow comparison with a low and high-pass filter. To access the Low Pass option set the Filter (formerly R Avg) column to a number less than zero as shown in #Figure 5. The number set is the number of hours for the low pass filter i.e. if Filter = -12.4 then the low pass filter is 12.4 hours as shown in Figure 6. The options for specifying the type of filter can be accessed by right mouse clicking on the Filter field as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 High and Low Pass Filter for Time Series Calibration Plotting.