Series Options

Series Options

The user may select which parameters are to be displayed by accessing the Line Options and Control form by RMC’ing on the legend or using the toolbar.  An example of the form is shown in Series Options#Figure 1. The lines available for viewing are displayed on the left in the selection box. On the right of the form is the Line Information which for the line selected tells the user the number of points in the line as well as the maximum and minimum values of the line. The user may change the legend text for the selected line. In the Line Formatting frame the use may set the thickness, color and style with drop-down menus.  

In the General Options frame the user can toggle the display of each line by checking Show for the series selected.  An extra Y-axes can be added to the right of the graph by setting the Right tab in the “Y–axis” sub frame.  Other features include changing lines to bar graphs with the “Show as Bars” check box.

In Options form provides options for the user to adjust the data for plotting purposes.  The edited data does not update the EFDC data directly.  If desired an edited series can be exported from the TSP and used to update the model input data.

In early versions of EE only 10 lines were allowed on a plot at any one time, but this limitation has now been removed.  LMC on one of the series in the right hand box will highlight that series. Holding down the control key allows the user to select multiple series. The user can then change line/point styles in the Line Formatting Frame. The Legend frame modifies what title will appear on the legend for the last series selected.

The series formatting and axes formatting can be saved for later retrieval using the save and load settings buttons on the toolbar.

A series can be adjusted by pressing the Transform button having selected the series.  This displays a form with additive and multiplicative adjustment factors for both the X and Y components.  Clicking OK to this form immediately applies the adjustments.

The form also provides a means to add or subtract one series from another and place the resultant series into a specified series # with the Add/Subtract Series button.

The user also has the options to delete (rather than just turn off or hide) lines from the Time Series Grapher tool.  This is shown in Series Options#Figure 2 where the user has selected two lines. Then by selecting the Delete button the lines are removed from the legend after the user has confirmed they want to remove these lines (Series Options#Figure 3). The lines are also removed from the time series display and from the Line Options and Controls menu as shown in Series Options#Figure 4.

Figure 1. Time Series Grapher: Line Formatting

Figure 2. Time Series Grapher: Deleting lines.

Figure 3. Confirmation to delete selected lines.

Figure 4. Time Series Grapher: Deleted lines.

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