Saved Plots Tool

Saved Plots Tool

The saved plots function allows the user to apply EE in command line mode for doing batch analyses. This is accessed in Model Analysis | Saved Plots as shown in Saved Plots Tool#Figure 1.  Saved plots can be generated for plots the user has created in ViewPlan, View3D, ViewSlice, and 2D Longitudinal Profile Plots.

In general, when viewing a model for which the user wants to create a standardized plot every time they view it, they first set up the desired viewing mode. For example for ViewPlan plots, the user may want to specify the size of the frame, the location the legend and timing frame. When this is setup to the user’s satisfaction they should press Alt-K and save the exact layout to a file, and use Alt-L to reload it later. This saves a file with extension .V2D in ViewPlan and .V3D in View3D (in versions prior to EE8 this extension was .EEV). However, it should be noted these saved plots do not record the constituent viewed or the model time.

When the user wishes to use a fixed time and constituent for a whole series of plots the Saved Plots Function is required as shown in Saved Plots Tool#Figure 1. This is selected by pressing the Define/Edit button which displays the Saved Plots form shown in Figure Saved Plots Tool#Figure 2. Here the user sets the ID for the constituent, the pathname for the folder containing the .V2D file, time for the snapshot and whether to use this plot or not.  After the user selects Generate Plots all the plots will be saved in a common folder for easy comparison.


Figure 1. Model Analysis: Saved Plots Tool.

Figure 2. Model Analysis: Saved Plots definition form




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