Data Format B-13 Harmonic Constants

Data Format B-13 Harmonic Constants

Data Format B-13  Harmonic Constants (harconst.inp)

C ** NSTA = Number stations

C ** MTIDE = Number of tidal harmonic constants of this station

C ** xcoord = Longitude / X - coordinate

C ** ycoord = Latitude / Y - coordinate

C ** DATUM = Datum in meters

C ** TIMEZONE = Time zone

C ** AMPCON = Conversion factor to convert amplitude to meters

C ** PHACON = Conversion factor to convert amplitude to degrees

C ** NAME = Station name





68 0.000 0.000 0.00001 1.0000 1.0000 ! Ocean

1 0.0328 66.63 SA

2 0.0174 163.31 SSA

3 0.0061 299.83 MSm

4 0.0042 117.08 Mm

5 0.0022 29.00 MSf

7 0.0050 196.05 Mf

15 0.0033 21.01 MStm

13 0.0036 178.12 Mfm

15 0.0026 107.02 MSqm

16 0.0024 204.13 Mqm

19 0.0036 244.53 2Q1

21 0.0043 248.81 SIG1

24 0.0234 277.86 Q1

26 0.0044 279.99 RHO1

28 0.0962 300.13 O1

30 0.0008 256.03 MP1

31 0.0028 317.59 M1B

33 0.0064 309.23 M1A

36 0.0013 323.76 CHI1

38 0.0028 335.37 PI1

40 0.0440 325.67 P1

42 0.0044 340.12 S1

43 0.1480 329.15 K1

48 0.0017 304.54 FI1

50 0.0017 336.69 THETA1

52 0.0097 346.69 J1

55 0.0017 7.96 SO1

56 0.0062 18.52 OO1

59 0.0008 45.31 KQ1

64 0.0007 154.00 OQ2

66 0.0062 277.16 EPSILON2

74 0.0005 22.16 2MK2

75 0.0206 280.33 2N2

76 0.0211 291.68 MU2

80 0.1124 299.18 N2

83 0.0205 297.80 NU2

87 0.0021 29.27 MSK2

90 0.0053 173.55 MPS2/ALPHA2

92 0.5019 307.08 M2

94 0.0024 65.98 MSP2

97 0.0020 3.89 MKS2

100 0.0059 289.60 LAMBDA2

103 0.0143 310.89 L2

107 0.0072 341.34 T2

108 0.1249 320.76 S2

110 0.0022 259.23 R2

111 0.0371 309.53 K2

113 0.0017 172.93 MSN2

116 0.0021 296.01 KJ2

119 0.0022 201.05 2SM2

128 0.0001 98.92 2MK3

130 0.0023 252.31 M3

132 0.0003 231.81 SO3

134 0.0006 188.24 MK3

144 0.0002 245.70 3MS4

146 0.0008 232.13 MN4

150 0.0026 255.97 M4

151 0.0001 2.91 2MKS4

152 0.0004 235.20 SN4

155 0.0012 319.50 MS4

156 0.0003 330.94 MK4

160 0.0006 40.25 S4

181 0.0009 223.23 2MN6

184 0.0021 267.19 M6

185 0.0007 271.03 MSN6

190 0.0026 316.01 2MS6

191 0.0007 332.33 2MK6

209 0.0002 198.90 3MS8

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