Data Format B-8 Polygon DSM Format

Data Format B-8 Polygon DSM Format

Data Format B-8  Polygon DSM Format
The "Polygon" Digital Sediment Model (DSM) format is a file that contains any number of polygons that define an area followed by a data block that contains the sediment data. The polygon ID and the data block ID's must match. The data block consists of a line for each depth (beginning at the surface or 0.0 depth) for which data exists. On each line, the user must include the depth (m), thickness (m), porosity, and then the grain size. The number of grain size classes and the associated size breaks are determined by the space-delimited data of the label line (see example). The number of grain size classes and their sizes must be the same for every sediment data block in the file. However, the size classes can vary from file to file or project to project to meet the project needs.