Data Format B-5 Apply Cell Properties via Polygons

Data Format B-5 Apply Cell Properties via Polygons

Data Format B-5  Apply Cell Properties via Polygons: Assign Value Using Vertical Profiles
This file is used to assign a vertical and horizontally variable initial condition field for any of the water column parameters. The data is basically a series of vertical profiles at any number of locations. The following summarizes the input format for one location. This can be repeated for as many locations as needed.

Line0: Data file description

Loop over the number of vertical profile locations
    Line 1: ID                                 (any user defined ID)
    Line 2: Xc, Yc, nPts                 (nPts in vertical profile)
    Loop over nPts
       Input Depth                           (Positive depths below the water surface, m)
    End Loop
    Loop over nPts
        Input Parameter_Value         (units dependent on the parameter)
    End Loop
 End Loop