Activating with Dongle
Users who require a licensed EEMS without a connection to the internet can do so with an offline license. DSI will provide the user with a USB dongle that can be plugged into their computer to provide the license file required for operation. Offline licenses can be provided for both subscription licenses as well as perpetual licenses. The steps for activation using a dongle are described below.
In order to use the dongle, a Flexnet USB dongle driver may need to be installed. This will be provided on the dongle, or can be requested by contacting the EEMS support team,
Plug the dongle into the USB port.
Open EE10.0 from the shortcut on the desktop or with the Start button and the Activation Wizard form will appear as shown in Activating with Dongle#Figure 1. The user clicks on Full button, an activation form appears, as shown in Activating with Dongle#Figure 2. The user selects Activate with a Dongle option.
4. Select the Browse button to browse to license file ( *.lic) in on the USB dongle drive as shown in Activating with Dongle#Figure 3 and select Open.
5. Select the Activate button in Activating with Dongle#Figure 2. The EFDC+ Explorer main form will then be opened as shown in Activating with Dongle#Figure 4.
6. If the user unplugs the USB dongle during the use of EFDC+ Explorer, a warning form will appear as shown in Activating with Dongle#Figure 5. EE will count the time up to 5 minutes and then close automatically. So the user should save the current work within five minutes. In case the user opens EE and forgets to plug the USB dongle, a warning message will be prompted, as shown in Activating with Dongle#Figure 6.
7. The dongle license can be deactivated by selecting Ctrl-R from the license manager. This is required to activate a license with an updated maintenance period.