File Formats

File Formats

Some of the data file formats that EFDC_Explorer currently reads include:
DAT/TXT ASCII XYZ files with space, comma or tab delimited (Appendix B)
TB2/TP2ASCII regular grid file (Appendix B)
P2DASCII XYZ files grouped into polylines.  Space, comma or tab delimited (see Appendix B)
2DM/3DMSurface Water Modeling System (SMS) mesh geometry file
PLTTecPlot formatted file
E00ArcInfo Coverage Export file
BIL/DEMUSGS BIL format for Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
GRD/ASCArcInfo ASCII grid file
Furthermore, some of EFDC_Explorer polygon/polyline formats supported include:
KMLGoogle Earth formatted file. Model units must be in UTM WGS84
G0HEC-RAS Geometry File
DXFAutoCad drawing exchange format
SHPESRI ArcView Shapefile (units must be in model units or Lat/Long)
TABMapinfo (units must be in model units or Lat/Long)
LDB, SPLDelft land boundary or spline format
DLG, OPTUSGS Digital Line Graph