General Statistics

General Statistics

The General Statistics feature can provide a summary of the statistics index of the current layer or selected parameter or selected grid cells. The General Statistics button (shown in General Statistics#Figure 1) is available in the 2DH View toolbar. 

Figure 1. General Statistics.

General statistics for a layer

The user can select a layer in 2DH View and click General Statistics button. The summary statistics of the selected parameter will be computed. 


Figure 2. General statistics for a layer.

General statistics for select grid cells

General statistics can be applied to a selected cell or multiple selected cells, and several approaches to selecting cells are described in the Grid Cell Selection section.

In this example, we introduce how to use the General Statistics for multiple selected cells from an existing polygon. Suppose that a temperature layer is added to the Layer Control as shown in General Statistics#Figure 3. The steps below show how to obtain general temperature statistics for cells inside a polygon we previously created (e.g. polygon.p2d).

  1. Select the Temperature layer in the Layer Control

  2. From the Selection Tool select Inside Polygon in File (General Statistics#Figure 4) then the Open Polygon File form appears. Select the polygon file then click the Open button as shown in General Statistics#Figure 5. The cells selected by the polygon are highlighted as shown in General Statistics#Figure 6 (e.g 85 cells selected).

  3. Then, click the General Statistics button  and select the General Statistics option. The general statistics report is generated as shown in General Statistics#Figure 7.


General statistics for local location velocity

General statistics can be applied to a local location of the velocity vector layer in 2DH View. The following steps describe how to generate the statistics for a local location of the velocity layer. Suppose that a Velocity Vector layer is added to the Layer Control as shown in General Statistics#Figure 8.

  1. RMC the Velocity Vector layer in the Layer Control

  2. The Vector2D Layer Properties tab appears, select Location File option in the Vector Locations frame and click Select button 

  3. The Open Velocity Display Location File form pops up. Select the overlay file then click the Open button as shown in General Statistics#Figure 8

  4. Once the location file is loaded, then click the General Statistics button  and select the General Statistics option. The general statistics report is generated as shown in General Statistics#Figure 9.



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