Importing Third Party Grids
This feature allows the user to import an existing model grid from another hydrodynamic model or a grid generated using a supported third party grid generator. The types of third party grids that can be imported are:
Delft RGFGrid (Delft 2006),
Grid95, or
SEAGRID (Signell, 2007).
EFDC_Explorer can also import the grids from the following models:
GEFDC (Hamrick, 2007)
CH3D (WES version and University of Florida version), and
In the Grid Type frame the user should select the Import Grid option. The dropdown list below the option is then enabled. The user then needs to select the appropriate import type. Import type dependent options will then be displayed. The user should specify the files and enter any options required. The import file(s) which are optional are labeled as such. Figure 1 shows an example of the import form with the Delft RGFGrid option. Generally, it is recommended to use CVLGrid to develop grids best suited to use with EFDC and edit at a later time if required.
For an existing model grid import, the topographic data does not need to be separately processed as the cell bottom data should already exist in the model grid files.