Load DTM File
Selecting the Load DTM File allows the user to load a DTM file. This browsing window is shown in Figure 1. After clicking on Open button, the DTM File is loaded as shown in Figure 2.
When a DTM file loaded, a tool set of Pointer Utilities appears on side menu as shown in Figure 3. These are described in the following sections.
Post Elevations
Selecting the Post Elev's pointer utility displays the coordinates and elevation value (Z) of a specific point on workspace in the yellow text box by RMC as shown in Figure 4.
Edit Elevation
When the Edit Elevation function is selected a frame appears which allow the user modify elevation value (Z) of a specific point on workspace by entering a number or using operators on the white box as shown in Figure 5.
Digitize Points
The Digitize points function allows the user digitize a series of points by RMC continuously. The X and Y values are recorded and can be pasted to a text file as shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7.
The None option allows the user to end all previous pointer utilities.