Longitudinal Profile Plots

Longitudinal Profile Plots

When viewing the water column in many of the ViewPlan | Viewing Options the drop-down the Longitudinal Profile tool is available on the toolbar (the button is greyed when not available). This function is similar to the 2D profile ViewProfile but provides an XY longitudinal plot of the current parameter along some profile.  The approach to define the data extraction location is identical to the 2D Slice/Extraction Options used by ViewProfile (see Slice/Profile Selection). If a Use Drape Line is selected the user should define the layers required, and after selecting the Show button will be prompted for the drape line.

Up to ten lines are allowed per plot.  The water column data selected is the main parameter to be plotted.  However, the layering options are controlled by the Longitudinal Profile tool, not the settings in the Layer Settings frame.  There are some special cases available for display.  The following list provides the options available for each line.

Layer #  A specific layer number or a range of layers to average. In the adjacent graphic the "Line 4" field has "1-4" entered. Therefore for that line DO being plotted is the average DO for those layers.
If a "0" is entered then the value extracted will be the depth averaged value.

-1  Special Case: Water surface elevation.

-2  Special Case: Water depth.

-3  Special Case: Bottom elevation.

-4  Special Case: Bed shear stress.

If the layer field is blank for a certain line, it will be skipped.

The Profile Locations Options graphic above shows five lines being defined with three of the lines extracting dissolved oxygen (DO) for layer 1, the average of layers 1-4 and layer 4. Once the options have all been set, the user must press Show to view the profile. The user can save and later reload a set of line definitions using the Save and Load buttons, respectively. Figure 1 shows the longitudinal profile plot resulting from the selections. These profiles can be animated to the screen or AVI file using the animate button from the toolbar.

Users may display graph/plot labels in metric or British imperial units using the CTRL M keystroke to toggle the units. Selecting ALT M will toggle the x axis from feet to miles.

Figure 1 Water Column longitudinal profile of dissolved oxygen.

Timing Frame

The Model Timing Options button provides the user with access to the Profile Options form wherein is a Timing Frames frame. Selecting the Show Timing Frame Control allows the user to toggle on and off the timing frame as shown in Figure 2 below.

Multiple timing frames may be defined and displayed by the user similar to the user of this tool in the ViewPlan mode as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2 ViewPlan: Longitudinal Profile Plots Timing Frame

Figure 7 30 ViewPlan: Profile Plots Timing Frame Options.


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