Generate Report

Generate Report

The purpose of the Generate Report tool is to provide users a report on the settings and configuration of the current model as shown in Figure 1. This includes general information, model domain, horizontal grid, active modules, model timing, initial conditions, a summary of external forcing data, boundary conditions, and model analysis. This can be used to help generate reports on the model and compare different models. 

It is possible to save the report by clicking on icon. The report will be saved out to a file with *.html format in the #analysis folder, the default name of the report is assigned as the name of Run ID. To open the report file, users can use an internet browser like Firefox, Google Chrome, or Internet Explorer. 

Users also can copy the content of the report to the clipboard by using  icon then paste to word or notepad file format. The report can be edited by using icon.

Figure 1. Model report.

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