Demo Activation Process

Demo Activation Process

After installation, the user must activate the software before first use. Please note that to activate EEMS, the user must be connected to the internet.  If you are not connected to the internet, or if there is a firewall on the network or installation computer, an error message may be given. In this case, please adjust your internet virus checker or firewall settings and try activating again. If this fails please contact support.

  1. To activate EEMS you must start EE from the EE desktop icon or using the Start menu: "Start\DSI\EE8.4\” (for Windows 10)
  2. If this is the first time you have run EEMS on your computer you will be see the EEMS and be prompted for your license version, as shown in Demo Activation Process#Figure 1.
  3. Scenario 1, you have already had an EEMS account by registering on the EEMS page. You should select the Demo Version button. Please read carefully the limitations of the Demo Version shown in Figure 1 by clicking on Demo Information and described on our website here.

Figure 1. EEMS Demo Version activation options.

4. After selecting Demo Version button, the form Sign in for EEMS Demo Version is displayed as shown in Demo Activation Process#Figure 2. You should enter email and password and click the Sign In button. After clicking the Sign In button, a survey form for EEMS Demo Version will appear as shown in Demo Activation Process#Figure 3. The user should fill in the survey form in order to use EEMS Demo version then click the Submit button.

Figure 2. EEMS Demo Version sign in form.

Figure 3. User survey for EEMS Demo Version.

5. After submitting the survey, the main EE form will be displayed as shown in Demo Activation Process#Figure 4. Now you can use the EE with Demo Version. Note that the Demo Version has limited capability as outlined above.

Figure 4. EE Demo Version main form.

6. Scenario 2 is if you do not have an account on the EEMS page yet. In this case click Sign up here on the form as shown in Demo Activation Process#Figure 1. This will take you to the EEMS website to register after you click the Yes button shown in Demo Activation Process#Figure 5. You have to fill in fields shown in Demo Activation Process#Figure 6. After the registration is successfully completed, check your email to activate the account.

Figure 5. Confirm to go to EEMS website to register.

Figure 6. Registration form of EEMS website.