Numerical Solutions Options

Numerical Solutions Options

The Numerical Solution Options frame in Hydrodynamics | General  provides access to several of the numerical solutions schemes available in EFDC. From EE8.2 it has been simplified so that the 2 Time Level and 3 Time Level solutions are primary. The Buoyancy Forcing Option, Array Solver, and Residual options have been removed from the GUI as these are never set by the user (the standard case now implemented is the Internal Pressure Gradient option). Other options can still be set in the EFDC.INP file if the user wants to make such a change but they should understand the options and ensure the sub-models selected are correct if they make a change. 

The solution schemes available with EFDC_GVC are Standardized (0), Ordered R/B Conjugate gradient (2), Reduced R/B Conjugate gradient (3), and Conjugate gradient for Wetting and Drying (9). Internal Buoyancy forcing option must be specified.

The 3 Time Level (3TL) or 2 Time Level (2TL) options allow the user to select the method to be used for numerical simulation. If using the EFDC_GVC model with GVC layering, the only Time Level solution available is the "3 Time Level".

If using the 3TL option, the user must specify the momentum solution option (ISCDMA). Upwind Difference is the recommended momentum advection scheme. Central Difference and Experimental Upwind Difference (ISCDMA>2)  are experimental, not fully tested and not currently recommended to be used. The Trapezoidal Correction Scheme is typically set from 3 to 5, and 4 by default.

The 2TL solution is the most robust solution technique and is recommended.

Figure 1  Numerical Solution Options for 3 Time Level Solution.