The Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code (EFDC) is a public domain, open source, surface water modeling system, which includes one dimensional, two dimensional, and/or three dimensional hydrodynamics, sediment transport, water column constituent transport, water quality kinetics, submerged aquatic vegetation and sediment diagenesis integrated in a single source code implementation. EFDC has been applied to many hundreds of water bodies including rivers, lakes, reservoirs, wetlands, estuaries, and coastal ocean regions in support of environmental assessment and management and regulatory requirements.
EFDC was originally developed at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science (VIMS) and School of Marine Science of The College of William and Mary, by Dr. John M. Hamrick beginning in 1988. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency including the Office of Science and Technology, the Office of Research and Development and Regions 1 and 4 have provided continued support for EFDC. The ongoing evolution of the EFDC model has to a great extent been application driven by a diverse group of EFDC users in the academic, governmental, and private sectors.
Since 1998, Dynamic Solutions-International, LLC (DSI) has been providing ongoing development of EFDC+ Explorer (a pre/post processing tool for EFDC) and enhancing EFDC for various surface water / water quality projects, including adding features and fixing bugs in EFDC. In 2016 DSI release a major update to the EFDC code, which is now named EFDC+.
DSI would like to acknowledge the following for their historical or continued support:
Dr. Earl Hayter from U.S Army Corps of Engineers for his support and recommendations for improving the EFDC+ code
Scott James of Baylor University (formerly of Sandia National Laboratory) for his development of the MHK module and his support for the SEDZLJ modules in EFDC+
Craig Jones of Integral Consulting, Inc, (formerly of Sea Engineering, Inc.) for his development of the SEDZLJ module in EFDC+
Yiping Li of Ho Hai University, China for his translation of the EFDC+ Explorer users guide into Chinese.
DSI would also like to acknowledge its clients and customers who have been integral part in development of various features.