Grid Layer: RMC Options
The grid layer has a range of special options that are accessed by RMC on the grid title in the tree view (Figure 1). These options are summarized in the Table 1.
Figure 1. Grid tab.
Option | Description |
Properties | Set properties of the selected layer (described in detail below) |
Show Properties | Set properties of the selected layer (described in detail below) |
Show Labels | Show labels by L or I, J indices of the grid (described in detail below) |
Zoom to Layer | Zoom the view to the selected layer |
Grid Indexing | Show different options for indices of the grid |
Export To | Export the selected layer to an external file with a different optional format. It describes in detail below |
Remove | Delete the selected layer |
Create New Spline Layer | Create a new spline layer in the layer control panel |
Create New Overlay Layer | Create a new overlay layer in the layer control panel |
Turn All Layers Off | Hide all existing layers in the layer control panel |
Turn All Layers On | Display all existing layers in the layer control panel |
Grid Properties
RMC on the grid layer, then select Properties, and the Grid Properties will be displayed, as shown in Figure 2. The options here include:
Layer Name: show the name of the layer, a new name can be entered here
Layer Visible: unchecking this box will hide the grid layer ( the light bulb of the layer in the Control Panel is also turned off)
Show Lines: unchecking this box will hide the gridlines but sill other show properties of the grid e.g. Orthogonal Deviation. This is demonstrated in Figure 3.
Line Settings: allows the changing of setting style, color, and thickness of the gridlines.
Figure 2. Grid Layer Properties.
Figure 3. Orthogonal deviation of the grid with gridlines hidden.
Show Properties
A number of options for displaying the properties of the grid layer are shown in Figure 4 and further described in Table 2.
Figure 3. Show Properties.
Option | Description |
None | Show the grid only |
Orthogonal Deviation | Show the orthogonal deviation of the grid by color ramp (see Figure 4) |
Cell Aspect Ratio | Show the cell aspect ratio of the grid by color ramp (see Figure 5) |
Cell Area | Show the area of the grid cells by color ramp (see Figure 6) |
Cell DX | Show the dimension DX of the grid cells by color ramp (see Figure 7) |
Cell DY | Show the dimension DY of the grid cells by color ramp (see Figure 8) |
Figure 4. Show Properties: Orthogonal Deviation.
Figure 5. Show Properties: Cell Aspect Ratio.
Figure 6. Show Properties: Cell Area.
Figure 7. Show Properties: Cell DX.
Figure 8. Show Properties: Cell DY.
Show Labels
A number of options for displaying the labels of the grid layer are shown in Figure 9 and further described in Table 3.
Figure 9. Show Labels of the grid.
Option | Description |
None | Only the grid is displayed |
Cell L Index | Show the L index number of the grid cells, each cell has only an L index. (Figure 10) |
Cell I,J Indices | Show the I and J indices number of the grid cells, each cell has a pair of I and J indices. (Figure 11). This option sometimes is helpful when we create a new grid that we want to merge with the previous grid. In this case, we need to know the number of cells along a segment of the previous grid. |
Nodal I,J Indices | Show the I and J indices number of the grid nodes, each grid node has a pair of I and J indices. (Figure 12) |
Bottom Elevation | Show elevation values of the grid nodes. (Figure 13) |
Figure 10. Show Labels: Cell L Index.
Figure 11. Show Labels: Cell I,J Indices.
Figure 12. Show Labels: Nodal I,J Indices.
Figure 13. Show Labels: Bottom Elevation.
Grid Indexing
When a grid is generated each cell or node has an I and J coordinate. Sometimes these are not in the direction that the user requires. The Grid Indexing tool allows the user to reverse the I and J coordinates either separately, or at the same time.
To display the I, J labels of the grid, select the grid layer in the Layer Control then RMC. Select Show Labels (e.g Cell IJ Indices) as shown in Figure 10.
Grid Indexing includes a number of options that are summarized in Table 4:
Option | Description |
Transpose I - J Indices | Reverses both the I and J indices of the selected grid at the same time. |
Flip I Indices | Reverses only the I indices of the selected grid. |
Flip J Indices | Reverses only the I indices of the selected grid. |
Rotate Indices Clockwise | Orders the indices in a clockwise direction. |
Rotate Indices Counter-Clockwise | It is the opposite of the Rotate Indices Clockwise. |
The Export option allows the saving of the grid to a file. A range of different file formats are supported as shown in Figure 14 and further summarized in Table 5. The function of these options is similar to the Export button described in Main toolbar buttons.
Figure 14. Export grid layer options.
Option | Description |
Export Grid | Export the selected grid layer to an external grid file. Grid file formats can be a native file of Grid+ (*.gpc), CVLGrid (*.cvl), Delft3D (*.grd), or others. This option also can be accessed from the Export button in the main toolbar. |
Export To EFDC | Export the selected grid layer to an EFDC input file (including corners.inp, dxdy.inp, lxly.inp). These files can open with EEMS. |
Export To Shapefile | Export the selected grid layer to a shapefile which can be opened with ArcGIS, QGIS, Global Mapper, etc. |
Export To KML | Export the selected grid layer to a KML file which can be opened with Google Earth, Global Mapper, etc. |
Export Outline | Export outline of the selected grid layer to a text file (*.p2d). |
Once selecting the Export Grid option, the Export to Grid form will be displayed, as shown in Figure 15. Define the file type from the drop-down list then enter a file name. Define the folder location to locate the file then click the Save button. Then the Coordinate System form will pop up, select the proper project then click the OK button as shown in Figure 16. When the exporting is done, a message will pop up as shown in Figure 17, click the OK button to close the form.
Figure 15. Export grid to file.
Figure 16. Select projection form.
Figure 17. Export grid message.