“Dry Deposition” and “Wet Deposition” are boundary conditions in the Water Quality module. The concentrations of water quality components from both boundary conditions are included in the EFDC+ computations. By default, these concentrations are initially set to zero and can be modified using EFDC+ Explorer. The following steps explain how to change the atmospheric deposition conditions.
Open the Atmospheric Deposition settings by RMC on the Water Quality module and select General Options (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Water Quality tab: General Options.
The General Options window will appear as shown in Figure 2. In the Atmospheric Deposition section, the user can modify the concentrations of different water quality components. To do this, LMC on the Dry Deposition or Wet Deposition buttons then input non-zero values in the table displayed in which the water quality parameters are shown. Click OK to save changes.
Click OK to close the General Options option, then save the model.
Figure 2: Wet and Dry Deposition settings
EE will automatically initialize the water quality module using values in the code. However, it is often convenient to initialize a new model using data from another EFDC+ Explorer model with similar conditions. This is done using the Initialize WQ Parameters from File in the Miscellaneous frame Figure 3. This operation should only be conducted once at the start of the water quality model construction. This process overwrites all of the current model's settings.
Figure 3. Miscellaneous frame.