Controlled using Time series

Controlled using Time series

If Controlled using Time-Series is selected from the drop-box, the rise/fall for each water quality constituent can be defined. In W/R Flow and Concentration Rise/Fall Settings frame user can set Flow and difference concentration between W/R cells as constant all the times or vary base on time. The user should select the time series data in the Time Variable Series box of W/R Flow and Concentration Rise/Fall Settings frame (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Withdrawal/Return form with controlled using time-series.


In Time Variable Series, user can click on drop-down menu to select time series defined in External Forcing Data or click on Edit to edit or create a new one. The Boundary Data Series form is appear as Figure 2

User can Add New, Copy & New or Delete the series. In Data Series tab, Time (days) and Flow (m3/s) columns are real value. Time in Julian and Flow is the amount of water W/R. Other columns, inculde Temp, Sal, and other WQ, Toxic parameters are represented by difference value between W/R cells

Figure 2. Boundary Data Series form for Withdrawal/Return.