Grid Menu

Grid Menu

After building a grid, it is necessary to modify and improve it. Clicking on the Grid menu in the main toolbar displays a number of options for this purpose, as shown in Grid Menu#Figure 1. The function of each option is described in the table below.

Figure 1. Grid menu options.





Refine Grid

This option allows the user to increase the resolution of the grid. It operates by multiplying the existing number of cells in the current grid with I and J directions independently.

Coarsen Grid

This option operates in an opposite way to that for Refine Grid. It decreases the resolution of the grid.

Orthogonalize Grid

This option is used to reduce the orthogonal deviation of a grid.

Merge Two Grids

Often the model domain is too complex to create a single grid that accurately represents the area. Therefore, the user may have to create several grids and connect them using the Merge Two Grid tool.

Delete Selected Grid Block

When a grid block is selected, using this option will delete grid nodes inside the block.

Modify Indexing

This feature allows to change grid indices, including transpose I-J, flip I or J, and rotate I→J and J→I (Grid Menu#Figure 2).

Transpose I - J Indices

Flip I Indices

Flip J Indices

Rotate Indices Clockwise

Rotate Indices Counter-Clockwise

Show Grid Properties

This feature allows showing grid's properties as shown in Grid Menu#Figure 3.


Orthogonal Deviation

Cell Area

Cell Aspect Ratio

Cell DX

Cell DY

Show Grid Labels

This feature allows showing grid's labels as shown in Grid Menu#Figure 4.


Nodal I,J Indices

Cell I,J Indices

Cell L Indices

Figure 2. Modify Indexing options.

Figure 3. Show Grid Properties options.

Figure 4. Show Grid Labels options.

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